Scott Amyx


Scott Amyx is the Chair & Managing Partner at Amyx Ventures, CEO of Amyx+, Managing Partner at the Future of Fashion (with former Miami Fashion Week founders), and Singularity University/ Smart City Accelerator Mentor and Startup Board Member. He is scheduled to speak at TEDx on disruption and success. Scott is a thought leader, speaker, and author on the Internet of Things and the Fourth Industrial Revolution and winner of the Cloud & DevOps World Award for Most Innovative and was voted Top Global IoT Influencer & Expert by Inc. Magazine, HP Enterprise, Postscapes, Top IoT Authority by the Internet of Things Institute, and Top 10 Global Speakers by Scott has been nominated to the World Economic Forum as a committee member for the Future of the Internet. The Republic of Korea nominated Scott to represent cutting-edge research and case studies on the Internet of Things at the ITU Telecom World, United Nations. Sovereignties, governments, multinationals, and international consulting and research firms look to Scott for unrivaled insights and pulse on the changing emerging technology landscape.

Scott’s feature Wiley book Strive is scheduled to come out in early 2018. Find out how doing the things most uncomfortable leads to success. Pioneering thought leader Scott Amyx shows anyone striving to succeed, regardless of who or where we are, what we do or have done for a living, or how young or old we are, that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but doing the things uncomfortable he calls “strive”. Drawing on his own powerful story of an impoverished immigrant frequently told that he would mount to nothing, Amyx, now a celebrated venture capitalist and futurist, describes his meteoric rise from obscurity to prominence, which led to the hypothesis that what really drives success is not intellect, opportunities or even network but pursuing personal change that’s uncomfortable. In this book, Scott takes readers into his defining life moments and stories from some of the most unlikely individuals who persevered through change to become outrageously successful. He also mines fascinating insights from history and shows what can be gleaned from modern experiments in high performance. Finally, he shares what he’s learned from interviewing dozens of high achievers—from corporate CEOs, unicorn startup entrepreneurs to global policy leaders. Strive shows how you can shape your life and your career, a life of fulfillment and joy, constantly creative and productive, one that always holds the possibility of delightful surprise.

Scott’s second feature book The Human Race: How Humans Can Survive in the Robotic Age is scheduled to come out in 2018. Scott explores the imminent net job loss from artificial intelligence, robotics, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution and its impact on income inequality and rise in populism and nationalism that are sweeping across the globe. He explores the advantages and disadvantages of basic universal income. Scott emphasizes the need to pursue job training and labor force development in human to human services that leverage our ability to empathize with the human condition. The empathy business models and services will become the bedrock of post Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Scott has over 19 years of large-scale strategy and implementation experience, managing double digit million dollar projects across multiple verticals. In his last corporate position as VP of Product Management, Scott helped the company be acquired by a Fortune 500 publicly traded company. Scott has also started numerous startups and successfully sold a company.

Scott has a master’s degree in applied microeconomics/ public policy from the University of Chicago. Scott was a national Sloan Fellow at Carnegie Mellon University.

Social Media

Website -

Twitter - @AmyxIoT

TED Profile

LinkedIn Profile

Instagram: @scott_amyx

Select Videos

Television interview on quantum computing

Television interview on the smart gun debate

Interview at CRM Evolution

Interview on Thoughtful China, Shanghai

Interview on the Cube at IBM

Speech on quantum computing in Vienna

Speech on industry building and jobs

Speech on brain computer interface

Speech on decentralized computing at IBM

Speech on transhumanism and superhuman

Speech on affective computing and IoT-based marketing at Coca Cola

Speech on smart cities in Dubai

Speech on the Internet of Things

Speech at Startup Academy on agent of disruption

Speech on the Internet of Things and why now

Select Publications

TIME Magazine



Wired: Can Wearables Help You Reach Immortality?Wearing Your Intelligence, 9 Ways Brands Flaunt Wearable Tech

Consumers Digest


Washington Post

Chicago Tribune

SF Chronicle

Stylus: UI/UX Design for Future Consumers and CES 2016 Trends Preview

Shots Magazines (Offline): The Matrix. A Matter of Wear and When




Select Books

Strive: How Doing the Things Most Uncomfortable Leads to Success

The Advances in Information Security, Privacy, & Ethics (AISPE) Book Series: Managing Security Issues and the Hidden Dangers of Wearable Technologies IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), international academic publisher

Internet of Things and Data Analytics HandbookJohn Wiley & Sons, Academic Publication

Disruptor Awards