Jon Levy


Jon Levy is a behavior expert, consultant and keynote speaker best known for his work in the fields of Influence and Social Experience.

By applying the latest in behavioral research ranging from neuroscience and psychology to economics and biology, Jon has worked with countless brands and companies to support their efforts in consumer engagement, customer acquisition, and product development.

Within the realm of behavior Jon has two areas of expertise:

The study of Influence: What causes people to make the decisions they make.

This understanding spawned the creation of “Influencers”, a private community and dining experience for tastemakers and industry leaders. Members range across all industries from well-known actors and Olympians, to executives at major companies and royalty. Influencers has received a fair share of media including stories in The New York Times, Forbes, Fast Company, The Observer, to name a few. Combining years of experience running Influencers and research, Jon has developed a deep understanding in designing social experiences and creating influencer programs for brands.

The study of Adventure: Identifying what causes people to live fun, exciting, and remarkable lives.

After years of examining what causes people to live adventurous lives, Jon was able to discern that every adventurous experience follows a predictable four stage processes. Each stage has specific characteristics that, when applied, make the experience exciting. This “Science of Adventure,” as it has become known, has garnered Jon a reputation as one of the foremost experts on Adventure.

In his free time, Jon works on outrageous projects. He spent a year traveling weekends to the world’s greatest events (Grand Prix, Art Basel, Sundance, Burning Man, Running of the Bulls, Cannes, etc.) and barely survived to tell the tale. Prior to that, taking control of his health and wellness, he was a before-and-after fitness model for a 90-day video training program. Other projects have included unscripted television, mobile apps, books and alcohol development, to name a few.

Social Media:

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Twitter – @JonLevyTLB

Facebook – Jon Levy

LinkedIn – Jon Levy

Angela Brugioni