Michelle Miller
Michelle is author and creator of The Underwriting, a satirical corporate thriller about Wall Street, Silicon Valley and dating app that began as a 12-part trandsmedia serial and is now a critically-acclaimed novel published in twenty languages and in television development.
Michelle is committed to energizing fiction for the young urban professional audience. Start with compelling stories that twist genre to grapple with present-day issues in a smart-but-not-hard way; layer that with thoughtful delivery like serialization and podcast-style audio to fit the modern audience; throw in some clever, content-driven marketing (Tinder accounts for characters, anyone?) and top it off with new revenue models to improve publishing economics, and you’ve got Michelle’s favorite cake.
In addition to her fiction, Michelle is known for coining the term “Muppies’ (Millennial Yuppies), the “Perfect Seven” theory for how women succeed in business, and an anonymous expose on the difference between Nerds and Geeks in San Francisco.
Michelle currently resides in New York. She is originally from Asheville, North Carolina and in a past life worked in JP Morgan’s Private Bank in Palo Alto and as a consultant in New York, London and across Europe. She holds a BA in English Literature and an MBA from Stanford University, and has an obscure literary reference tattooed on her foot to remind her that life happens in the diversions.
Social Media:
Website - michellemillerproductions.com
Twitter – @MichelleMiller
Instagram - @xxmichellemiller