Louie Psihoyos


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Louie Psihoyos, Executive Director of the Oceanic Preservation Society (OPS), is recognized as one of the top photographers in the world. He was hired directly out of college to shoot for National Geographic and created images for the yellow-bordered magazine for 18 years. His ability to bring humanity and wit to complicated science stories carries over to his filmmaking. An ardent diver and dive photographer, he feels compelled to show the world the decline of our planet’s crucial resource, the oceans.

Psihoyos’s first documentary film, The Cove, won the Academy Award® for Best Documentary Film of 2009 and over 75 other awards around the world. The film garnered immense critical praise and has been seen by millions of viewers worldwide.

His second film, Racing Extinction, follows a team of artists and activists as they expose the hidden world of extinction with never-before-seen images that will change the way we see the world. The film premiered on Discovery in 220 countries and territories on the same day, and sparked the #StartWith1Thing movement. Psihoyos was also the creative mind, along with Obscura Digital, behind the unprecedented large-scale building projections onto the United Nations Headquarters and the Empire State Building documented in Racing Extinction. The projections themselves have become a traveling phenomenon, continuing at St. Peter’s Basilica at The Vatican.

Psihoyos is currently in production on a feature documentary about plant-based super athletes.


Social Media:

Websites – racingextinction.com  opsociety.org

Twitter – @racingxtinction

Facebook – Louie Psihoyos

Instagram – @oceanicpreservationsociety


Select Publications:

New York Times

NBC News


Rolling Stone


Angela Brugioni